So the ports that sends untagged packets will configure as access ports. Untagging means we are sending the packet without a vlan tag. It will not use for end user devices such as computers, laptops or mobile phones. Trunk ports will use to connect network devices together. From a trunk port we can send several vlans at the same time. So the gateway device will understand to what vlan this packet belong.
Vlan tagging means when we are sending two or more vlans using one port in the switch we can tag each every packet using the vlan ID. Vlan Tagging, Vlan untagging, Access port and Trunk port. When understanding VLAN base network there are few words we have to consider. It’s doesn’t matter about the brand of the switch VLAN will support all the vendors such as Juniper, Cisco, or etc. There are standards for VLANs but I’m not going to talk about that here. VLAN is a good method to use in large networks. This is the Wikipedia definition for VLANs. 🙂Ī virtual LAN (VLAN) is any broadcast domain that is partitioned and isolated in a computer network at the data link layer (OSI layer 2). Then the status of the Redundant VPN turns to green. You can check this by taking down the status of the Primary VPN by right clicking on the primary VPN. That mean Redundant VPN also monitoring the status of the Primary VPN. It will turn in to green color only if the Primary VPN goes down. Once you configured it, in GUI VPN > Monitor > IPSec Monitor you can see The HQ-VPN-1 is up and connected and HQ-VPN-2, the redundant VPN status is down. You can find the out the additional commands that I have configured on both VPN tunnels in read color. Set psksecret ENC asdjhasjdh8jashdkjhauihf389473&^%^&cgdjgjasg There are few commands we have to configure instead of default commands. Also this configuration can’t do using the the GUI. Here I’m not going to explain the whole configuration of the VPN tunnel. With the below diagram you can have a clear picture of the scenario that i faced. So the Redundant VPN have to monitor the status of the Primary VPN always. The Redundant VPN should work only if the Primary VPN is down. This customer had a requirement to configure 2 VPNs. I came up with this problem with one of our customers. Alert if anyone has tried to access #triesĪlert tcp any any -> any 80 (msg:"Someone tried to access *********After a several researches over the internet I found a solution for Fortigate Redundant IPsec VPN tunnels. Alert for UDP packets trying to query a DNS serverĪlert UDP any any -> any 53 (msg:"ALERT ******* DNS Traffic in the network****** " sid:10009 ) Alert for Telnet attempts byĪlert tcp $MYIP any -> $EXTERNAL_NET 23 (msg:"ALERT # Tried Telnet " sid:10008 ) #TCP Port Scan by DetectionĪlert tcp $MYIP any -> any any (msg:"*******TCP Port Scanning Detected*******" detection_filter:track by_src, count 30, seconds 60 logto:"/var/log/snort/portscan.log" sid:10013 rev:2 ) Alert any port scanning attempt by and log them into a file called portscan.logĪlert tcp $MYIP any -> any any (msg:"****SYN Scan Detected****" flags:S,12 logto:"/var/log/snort/portscan.log" sid:10011 )Īlert tcp $MYIP any -> any any (msg:"****FIN Scan Detected****" flags:*FPU logto:"/var/log/snort/portscan.log" sid: 10012 ) List down the IP addresses responding to s ICMP requestsĪlert icmp any any -> $MYIP any (msg:"ALERT Some IPs Sending ICMP to # " sid:10007 ) Alert abnormal SSH terminations fromĪlert tcp $MYIP any -> $EXTERNAL_NET 22 (msg:"ALERT # Tried SSH " sid:10006 )
Alert if tries to connect using HTTPĪlert tcp $MYIP any -> $EXTERNAL_NET 80 (msg:"ALERT # Tried to Connect using HTTP " sid:10005 ) Alert for "Zoysa" keyward within the HTTP packets.Īlert tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET 80 (msg:"Zoysa is there" content:"Zoysa" nocase sid:10004 ) It’s seems quite simple to me now after i start tying it.
Anyway at the end I managed to came up with few snort rules and thought of write it down here.īy the way Snort is a open source IDS solution and we can get configure the rules what ever the way we want.
#Ucsc fortinet support how to#
I got an assignment in my MSc & had to go though plenty of difficulties to find out how to write few simple snort rules.