Access runtime 2010 not installing on paralles
Access runtime 2010 not installing on paralles

So, either there was a problem with the name, or maybe changing the name somehow caused the change in blocked status to kick in.

access runtime 2010 not installing on paralles

And I know this is gonna sound crazy, but I renamed the dll from that long name to PieChart.dll. I copied this file over the file in c:/Program Files and reference it in VS2010, closing and reopening VS2010.

  • Went to the downloads folder and unblocked the file that was downloaded to this location, tried to unblock, and it seemed to work.
  • Somehow my attempt to unblock didn't appear to be working. So I tried to unblock, closed the properties dialog, then reopened.
  • Went back to c:/Program files and noted that the file was still blocked.
  • access runtime 2010 not installing on paralles

    Referenced and attempted to build: still same error. I had installed Parallels only for Web Studio and would have been racking my brains if I had not found your solution.Removed the reference, and followed the steps to unblock.In 2010 18th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing. Using historical data to predict runtime on backfilling parallel systems. Copied this file to c:/Program Files/ referenced it and attempted to build. Job runtime prediction based on historical logs.Downloaded a file, WP7PiChartsFromDBSOUP.dll, to my downloads folder (everything locally).

    access runtime 2010 not installing on paralles

    After doing the above I can compile my SL application inside Parallels Virtual Machine, but the above also applies to Silverlight applications hosted on a network drive. To edit the file you will also need to open NotePad as administrator. You can open up located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE and add this line inside the node:


    I just ran into this very same problem - trying to compile a Silverlight application inside Parallels Desktop 8 virtual machine on a Mac - where the SL output directory was located on the emulated drive (appears in Windows as a network drive).

    Access runtime 2010 not installing on paralles